A clear picture of how customers feel across touchpoints, especially at critical moments such as right before making purchase decisions and entering or leaving a store, can help you to give customers a memorable and favorable impression that lasts.
The Emotion Quality Meter helps you to illustrate customers’ feelings and measure impacts. You can also find out whether your actions effectively encourage (or discourage) specific behavior that evokes (or prevents) specific emotions, and compare the intended outcomes with actual customer experiences.
According to the intensity of emotional impact, services can be classified as “Promotors,” “Dissatisfiers,” or “Laggards.” The quantitative results help you to understand service effectiveness in terms of emotional impact. The customer journey can thus be optimized strategically.
With quantitative data on your customers’ feelings, you can zoom in and benchmark the results from different perspectives. For instance, you can focus on customer profiles, e.g. gender, age, location, and purchase intention. Hence, you can see which services are most emotionally appealing to which groups of customers. Performance can be also viewed by geographic location, so you can customize training or coaching according to individual store performance.
The results from the Emotion Quality Meter can be used as reference points for comparison with other business key performance figures, e.g. sales, satisfaction scores, and net promoter scores, to more accurately identify your key growth drivers.
Identify Your Growth Drivers
Measure and Manage Customers’ Feelings